Home Blogs Planning To Commit To Your Guy? Check These Things First…

Planning To Commit To Your Guy? Check These Things First…


There are a few things you need to think about before starting a serious relationship. Girls, having a partner or boyfriend is a good thing but there are some disadvantages too. You can avoid feeling crazy by thinking about certain things before starting a serious relationship which makes the whole thing much more fun. Here’s what you should know……

8 There’s hair everywhere

It is at this point that you strongly suspect his smooth chest wasn’t so natural at all.

7 Their snoring habit will ensure an end to relationship

Grrrrhhh…… Go into another room or get a mouth guard, but for the love of God GIVE ME SILENCE.

6 They interrupt you in everything.

It’s just so rude…. Please don’t butt in.

5 There never know where anything is

And then moaning that you moved it somewhere. Hahaha and what’s worse is when they develop temporary blindness for something and it’s right in front of them.

4 Having weird food habits

If you can’t stop him, better is that you might have them too 😉

3 They hate your TV show

I know it’s kind of annoying when your bf snatches the remote and switches to his own channel.

2 His dance moves are original!!

Posted by The Awesome Indian on Thursday, January 14, 2016

1 They forget or ignore milestones

“But I wanted flowers on anniversary at least” admitted no woman ever.



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