Home Travel Love Quotes By Rumi, Need A Special Heart To Understand!

Love Quotes By Rumi, Need A Special Heart To Understand!

Talking about love, Judy Garland once said: “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed but my soul.”

Lucky are those who have the mind and heart to feel and understand such deep meanings of love. The world has witnessed many philosophers but Rumi was one unique soul. He has so many inspirational love quotes that make you really think. His thoughts were and still are out of this world. In the era where unfriend-ing on social network is the modern breakup, the intensity of love shown by this man is something we need to learn. Being in love is not only about dating. The word love should not be used in a casual manner. It has a real deep meaning, not to be understood but felt.

So, we bring you some eye opening love quotes by Maulana Rumi…that need a special heart to understand!

For those who were waiting to meet somewhere…


Because goodbyes are for those who separate

Let go…

From you are mine to I am yours..

The true expression of love…

For once and for ever..

Alas! You can, but you can’t…

What to and not to do…

Dare to do this?

That’s what you should do…

Hope one day we will understand that love is not just a small four-letter word!

Also read: Love You Or Love Myself….Think Again!



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