Home Relationships Stop Wondering, Here Are 10 Things That Turn On Women!

Stop Wondering, Here Are 10 Things That Turn On Women!


The question of what women want has been baffling people for years and what they desire still remains the unanswered question across the globe. However, every woman has some turn ons that they find irresistibly attractive. We have tried to list ten things that we could think about men that make them go crazy. Sure you might have a few contradictions, but we feel it’s relatively accurate.

10 Playing an instrument

Wonder why the rockstars always get the girl? There are many reasons but those who play music are automatically ranked more attractive than those who don’t.

9 Being famous

If you are famous, then by definition a lot of people know you and if a lot of people know you, you are therefore important. Being important is very attractive to women.

8 Muscular physique

A man sweating from hard physical work, with a chiseled chest and a six pack. Okay, I know this is biggest turn on for girls 😉

7 Being good with dogs

Agree to what I am saying that guys with dogs are hotter than the rest. I know you agree. There’s just something so attractive about a guy who is responsible for something that makes life happier. Actually, this is my kind a guy 😉

6 Not taking life too seriously

Having the gift to be able to laugh at life and embrace it as an enjoyable experience. This quality in men is mostly liked by girls who love to explore, travel and don’t take life seriously.

5 Being knowledgeable

Boys who read books are more liked by girls. Not being short of conversational topics and being able to adapt to all kinds of situations is attractive.

4 A deep, commanding voice

Good looking men are all right. But a deep, husky voice is all that is needed to get knocked off. Oh yes, trust me your voice says a lot about you, literally.

3 Leadership quality

Being a leader is very attractive to women. It demonstrates social status and importance. Make decisions, lead the pack.

2 Who spreads positivity and laughter

Positive people are always attractive. Trust me, if you can show her the sunny side of things, she will thank you for it.

Also read: Hey Guys! What Do You Think Women Love About Men?

1 Having nice possessions

Sports car, lavish house, big business – all this indicate wealth, excitement and power. All this is attractive, something girls can die for.



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