Home Humour In pictures people with cheating skills level God!

In pictures people with cheating skills level God!


Cheating to many is a risk, to others no less then a fraud and for some an art. Well morals are always subjective and when it comes to cheating we certainly recommend a big NO!

But again there are bigger 7 important things in life then just few extra numbers. Yet there are people who are genius but use there intelligence in a wrong way. If you can be this hard working for cheating can’t you just study? Like we clarified it is always a subjective choice and morals should never be imposed on others, so check out these highly creative cheating skills.

OMG She nailed it, What about guys though?

View is awesome from my seat!

Hmmm, That’s refreshing!

Season based hacks!

Ammmm not sure, but if you can why not!

Best Shoes Ever!

Water is always a good choice!

Smart in a silly way!

Being Hi-Tech!

Pen is mightier than sword!

Which one was the best? 



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