Home Blogs Did You Go To A Convent School? You Sure Know These…

Did You Go To A Convent School? You Sure Know These…

Convent schools are so very different from public schools. And before you jump the wagon, we never said they are better or worse.

We just said that they are very typical. There are some things and typical routines that every conventee inherits from the school.

So, if you went to a convent, you will surely agree with us:

1. You cross your heart like a true Christian

Whereas in reality you might be a Gujju, Punju or a Bong.

2. You have to visit the chapel once daily

At home, you don’t even do the agarbatti.

3. You detest people who can’t pronounce government and education correctly

4. Sneaking into the nun’s quarters was your secret mission
But most of us failed at it.

5. You can still hum most hymns with your daughter

Obviously, she studies in the same school!!

6. You got zero period for functions and all other events

7. You modified the pledge according to your convenience

“Not all Indians are my brothers and sisters!!!”

8. The moment somebody says let’s pray

Your brain goes – Our father……

9.You know the full names of these people

10. You are used to seeing the school Principal in smartly ironed skirts and habits

Still can’t get used to the nuns in saris (no offence Sister)

11. You only got one kind of sex education

Sex before marriage = cardinal sin

You might have attended any school, but you will surely agree that school days were the golden period of your life.



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